Saturday, November 28, 2009

And So It Begins..

First, a few things about this blog.

I'm not sure who reads it, I'm assuming mostly my Gchat buddy list, but every once in a while I'll encounter people in real life and they will reference this blog. This is both flattering and terrifying. I guess I should be more conscious now of what I am writing.

Leave comments. They make me feel loved.

I understand these posts are generally very long and that I overuse the narrative device of "narrative (insert inner monologue in parantheses here) lolcano." I also realize I use an unnecessary amount of adverbs. These are things I will be addressing from this point on. Even though I'm convinced you cubicle rats can spare 6 minutes to read a diatribe about me burning myself in the kitchen. And then leave a comment telling me how much you love me.

I express desire to reorganize and smooth over this blog because I am about to enter a new stage of my life. On Wednesday, December 2, 2009 I will begin work as a full-time, paid line cook.

A few weeks ago, I almost didn't go to Va Pensiero because I was feeling lazy and kind of hungover. I mustered up the strength to get on the train and somewhere between family meal and dinner shift my chef corners me in the bakery. He begins very somberly, questioning me about my plans for the next few months. I'm pretty sure he's about to axe me, telling me he needs to cut the excess fat before the holidays and get his crew in to tip-top shape. I'm freakin'. Suddenly I hear the words, "I need a guy I can count on. You've obviously showed the dedication. I need another guy. I was thinking about you."

What?! Ex-squeeze me? Did I hear that correctly? You want the Asian intern to be your new line cook? Holy crap!

I don't accept immediately because I wasn't sure what was to happen with Blu. I have worked out a deal to work at both places. And yes I am still wanting to start working at the bakery, I just haven't been able to figure out the timing and logistics yet.

So here we go. I'm going to be a full-time cook at Va Pensiero, honing my skills and training for culinary school in the fall. Every profession needs a strong foundation of technical expertise. At least that's the goal for now. To harden myself in the fires of the kitchen. To pursue perfection in every dish, every ingredient. To constantly offer true hospitality and care while working the front of the house. To never stop learning about the phenomenon that is the restaurant, this very curious aspect of human society.

But this also means I will be working a lot. Needless to say, this means I won't be playing very much ultimate anymore. Though this saddens me, I am excited to move on to this part of my life. So don't expect many ultimate posts to be coming. Eventually the time will come to say goodbye to this blog. If I will create another one I don't know, but we'll keep this going as long as I can.

So onward and upward I say! I have already shed that which takes away my focus, my drive. My life now belongs to the kitchen. My heart now belongs to my restaurants. Now all I have is to focus on being the best cook I can be. To train to be a damn good restaurateur. To chase the dream.

Wish me luck.

EP #6


  1. Congratulations man. This is an exciting post. You are developing a flair for the dramatic. You drew me in, building the expectation of disaster (dont fire him you fat fuck!) and then - BAM - you take it to the next level:(Flexing and saying "ZUH")
